• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Paladins [Meta] Changes coming to /r/Paladins

    Paladins [Meta] Changes coming to /r/Paladins

    [Meta] Changes coming to /r/Paladins

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

    Hey /r/Paladins!

    At the start of the year, we have conducted a State of the Subreddit Survey, asking the community what they think about the current rules and possible changes to them. Three months ago, we've followed up with another survey regarding possible approaches to some of the rule changes. After some time spent on discussing and tweaking (if not outright re-writing) our current rules, we're ready to announce all the changes coming to the subreddit!


    In response to your feedback, we will be making the following changes to the rules. The following paragraph contains an explanation of why exactly each rule exists, what function each one is intended to serve, as well as what changes are going to applied to improve them.

    The Wiki Rules Page:

    For those who don't know, the current rules page is very limited in terms of the amount of text and explanation one can include in each one - 500 characters is really not that much if one wants to include examples. For this reason, we are placing the rules on a new, dedicated wiki page where we can expand on them in greater detail, including things like examples of content we do or do not allow, so that you are all better informed on how the rules are exactly enforced. We will also be re-directing all removal message links going forward, as well as the rules link in the side-bar to the new page. The old rules page will be stripped down to the names only, with a redirect link to our new rules page where one can find the actual rules - this is purely to make sure the report system works as before, where you can select the rule you're reporting the content under from the list.

    The Rule Changes:

    Rule #1: No Unrelated Content

    What is the purpose of this rule?

    The purpose of this rule is to ensure that all content posted to /r/Paladins is directly related to the Paladins community and its audience. We want the subreddit to be focused around the Paladins game only, and do not want to leave room for generic, usually hardly related content users tend to post in other reddit places. With this in mind, we want all content submitted to be unique to the /r/Paladins community, where one can have no problem figuring out what the content is and what it represents.
    An exception to the above exist with regards to news articles and such, that could in theory affect an average Paladins player, such as discussion regarding lootboxes, microtransactions, as well as other similar mechanics that exist in Paladins - we do not want to limit those as they can have substantial impact on all people playing this game, and the game itself.

    What's changing?

    Rule #1's wording has been tweaked and expanded with a huge list of examples, that should hopefully cover most of the applicable content cases posted. One of the biggest changes coming is the restrictions of all pictures containing caption text (mostly memes in this case) to ones that can be easily distinguished as Paladins-related content, that have to include names of champions, abilities, talents, cards, shop items, gamemodes or maps at minimum from now on.

    Why the changes?

    Some of the content posted to /r/Paladins (memes in particular), even though technically related, was deemed to be too generic for the subreddit - some of them were literal crossposts from other gaming subreddits that weren't Paladins related at all. According to the survey results and our own notices, we think this change is going to benefit the community overall.

    Rule #2: No Abuse / Harassment / Witch-Hunting

    What is the purpose of this rule?

    /r/Paladins doesn't support any kind of derogatory language targeted at other individuals, as well as occurrences of "pointing fingers" and other accusations - this subreddit is supposed to be a place where you can openly discuss game related topics, without creating huge amounts of drama around them. The necessity of having to censor out the names on pictures showing chat or post game scores is there only to protect others from being judged - /r/Paladins is not a place for things like that.
    In short: We're here to discuss gameplay, strategies, builds and results - the game itself - not people.

    What's changing?

    Addressing recently brought up concerns, the rule now explicitly states that player names have to be fully obscured. In addition, a minor rewrite of one of the points has been made, expanding on the types of discrimination falling under this rule.

    Why the changes?

    Those change has been made purely to make its point more specific, removing potential misunderstandings.

    Rule #3: No Reposts

    What is the purpose of this rule?

    This rule's purpose is to ensure content posted on /r/Paladins is not redundant - content like server status updates, or bug reports that have already been addressed and/or fixed in the next patch, just clutter the subreddit with repeated information. Additionally, the content we expect is supposed to be fresh and unique, and not shamelessly recycled from the past - we don't want users grabbing popular past content and recycling it for things like karma, we want people to share new content and try keep it's influx original, unique and distinctive.

    What's changing?

    A minor change to this rule is specifying a time limit before certain content can be reposted again - things like art are allowed to be reposted provided 6 months have passed since the original / previous posting, and the rule has been updated to specify that.

    Why the changes?

    The /r/Paladins community is constantly changing - every day new users join and old users leave, and after 6 months there's a high chance that some of the new users did not see the old content posted to here in the past. This tiny addition has been makes it possible for new users to enjoy the content they haven't seen, while old users and veterans get to refresh their old memories.

    Rule #4: No Illegal Content

    What is the purpose of this rule?

    The /r/Paladins subreddit doesn't support any kind of illegal content. This is to both, go along with the reddit-wide Content Policy, as well as protect the community and it's users from content that either breaks laws, or user agreements and terms of service.

    What's changing?

    The rule has been rewritten to specifically include links to the documents specifying which content falls under this rule, as well as a simple list of examples has been added to better guide our users.

    Why the changes?

    The changes to this rule were made mostly for the sake of clarity and ensuring users are properly informed of what content is disallowed on /r/Paladins. Whilst the previous rule wasn't necessarily an enormous issue, it was at times a little vague on what kind of content is or isn't allowed, outside of obvious matters such as links to hacks and cheats, and didn't adequately state some of the other things not permitted under this rule.

    Rule #5: No Buying / Selling / Trading / Begging

    What is the purpose of this rule?

    /r/Paladins isn't a market place - we are here to share and discuss the content, not bargain with other people. Begging is an annoyance as well, and nobody wants to see posts asking for free content either.

    The lack of any guarantees or standards to these kinds of transactions makes us impossible to police them - there is an ever present risk of being scammed or ripped off, which in turn could damage the reputation of /r/Paladins as a social platform. Because of this, we've opted-out of this kinds of posts entirely, focusing the subreddit more on discussion and sharing content instead.

    What's changing?

    The rule appears to be just fine as it is right now, so no changes were made.

    Rule #6: No Excessive Self-Promotion Posting Limit

    What is the purpose of this rule?

    This rule exists to serve a simple purpose: prevent users from flooding the subreddit with too much content at a time. Whilst we naturally want visitors to share content, be it their own or others, we don't want the front page to be suddenly flooded with bursts of content that pushes every other valuable post out of there.

    In order to prevent this, we strictly impose a 24 18 hour time limit between content posts - this stops the flooding, while also encouraging the users to better curate the content they are about to share to some degree.


    Based on user experience, we've decided to rename the rule to something that should better fit it's actual purpose. Additionally, the rule received a light re-write to the overall language of it, to better and more accurately reflect its actual goal.

    Aside from that, two possible exceptions have been added for Bug and News posts respectively, for use at Moderator's discretion only.

    As an experiment, the rule is going to have a reduced time interval of 18 hours for an unspecified amount of time - please read below for more information.

    Why the changes?

    As already mentioned, the most confusing part of the rule was it's title, and the discrepancy between it and the actual rule meaning. Changing the rule's name should hopefully better reflect this.

    Regarding the possible exceptions to Bug and News posts, this has been added to prevent cases where users would be unable to submit their findings because of the #6 rule limitations - this addition adds flexibility with how these posts are handled, where Bug reports aren't removed (unless said bug has already been reported, in which case it will be under rule #3), and News posts, if deemed to be of particular importance, can also remain up.

    Rule #7: No Referral Links Quality Assurance & Safety

    What is the purpose of this rule?

    /r/Paladins is getting a completely new rule! The new purpose of the rule #7 is to act as a preventive measure against those kinds of content that don't necessarily break the rules on it's own, but can otherwise help, encourage, inspire or provoke others into doing so. It's meant to provide a valid reason to take down (or lock) content that runs the risk of either derailing a conversation in such a way that results in rule breaking (like users requesting links to NSFW content that often leads to others providing said links) or otherwise has a negative impact on the community (such as posts from outsiders who come in solely with the intent purpose of disrespecting the community and causing unnecessary drama.

    The referral links were a huge issue only at the beginning of /r/Paladins existence, when the game was still in beta - nowadays, this rule was simply just sitting here unused for long periods of time, only wasting the rule space.


    Rule #7 has been changed completely, going from disallowing referral codes, to a rule against content deemed to be at risk of negatively impacting the community.

    Why the changes?

    This "rule" was actually enforced many times in the past without much of a notice for the community - we are not robots, and we are not going to waste our time babysitting a comment chain to see if such requests (with responses) or "flame wars" are going to take place or not. Breaking a comment chain like this has proven to be really effective in preventing and stopping rule-breaking in it's tracks, so much that it's been officially made into a rule of it's own.

    Rule #8: No NSFW Content

    What is the purpose of this rule?

    There is no serious gaming subreddit on the entire reddit site, that would accept or welcome violent or pornographically suggestive content on their front page. Rule #8 is designed to act as a deterrent against posting this content - after all, the subreddit is visited not only by the community members, but Hi-Rez and Evil Mojo employees themselves too. We believe that it's not suitable to exist here, and feel that there are other, much better places in existence for it.


    The controversy behind Rule #8's variable enforcement has been addressed by adding a set of guidelines, outlining what kind of factors the Moderator team may consider with regards to determining if content is NSFW or not.

    Why these changes?

    There has been several cases in the past where some of the removals (or non-removals) have been questioned by some of the affected users - these changes were made to better clarify how exactly the content is being judged. With the addition of these guidelines, we hope that all content take-downs will be clearer to the affected users, so they can have a better idea of how to avoid breaking this rule going forward.

    Rule #6 experiment:

    Rule #6 has been occasionally been criticized as quite restrictive regarding how long the 24 hour limit is that we enforce on users. Some time ago, a short survey was conducted, in which the opinions about keeping the current 24 hours limit, and opinions about lowering it down, were quite divided. After some internal discussion, we have decided that as an experiment only, we will reduce the time between posts from 24 hours to 18 hours.

    Please be aware that that this is just an experiment, and we cannot guarantee how long this new time limit will be in effect, and might revert it as needed. We're doing this solely as a test run, to see how it will affect the health of the subreddit overall, as well as how bad it's possible implications might be (like increased workload on the moderation team for example).

    At some point in the nearest future, we will discuss internally the results of this experiment, determine if this change had a positive or negative impact on the subreddit, and adjust the rule accordingly.

    100k Subscribers Celebration Contest Winners

    In case you've missed it, here are the winners of the 100k Subscribers Celebration Contests:

    Reddit Skin Design Contest Winners:

    Place Winner Submission
    2 /u/klaariiee Reddit Evie
    3 /u/MadmanEvan RedditBot Bomb King

    Champion Design Contest Winners:

    Place Winner Submission
    1 /u/RandomPaladinsNub Braoin, Exile of the Eternal Pyre
    2 /u/Januszym Aldous, Messenger of Babrand
    3 /u/TangAce7 Cynthia, The Dimensional Traveler

    Don't forget to check out their amazing creations!

    Other Changes

    Some of you might have already noticed and know this, but we've thought this would be a great place to mention other changes that happened on the subreddit this year. Here are a few things to take note off:

    Esports Megathreads

    Esports fans, we heard you regarding the lack of weekly esports megathreads. We recently recruited /u/moo311 to the /r/Paladins Moderator team, and they have taken on the mantle as a dedicated esports Moderator, and will be providing your weekly megathreads going forwards. You can check out their latest post right here as well as an archive of all esports coverage on the wiki esports archive.

    User Esports Flairs

    We've updated all the Esports flairs to reflect the current eight teams / orgs competing in the PPL this year.

    Side-Bar Additions

    • Official Sites (Old Reddit):

    Under the "Official Sites" tab, there is now a link to the Paladins Trello Board. This is an official board maintained by Evil Mojo to track critical bugs and issues and their status (are they fixed, being investigated, etc.) We highly advise making a habit of checking this board, particularly before submitting any Bug report posts to the subreddit, as Evil Mojo may already be aware. Remember rule #3, we remove posts containing Bug reports of Evil Mojo are aware, so please check the board.

    • Social Media (Old Reddit):

    Under the "Social Media" tab you can now find a link to the PaladinsGame Mixer Channel. Here you can catch streams from partners, esports streams, and update showcases as they occur.

    • Flair Filters (New Reddit):

    New reddit had flair filters added to it's sidebar, that will let you filter the submissions to your liking. Those filters have been on old reddit for a long time, and now have been ported to new reddit as well.

    Note: Please be aware that most of these side-bar changes will only be visible to those using old.reddit. Users of new.reddit are advised to switch to old.reddit in order to appreciate those additions, see additional links added to the side-bar, as well as enjoy our custom CSS work and banner.

    And that is everything. To close out this thread we want to thank everyone who provided us with feedback and suggestions to make the subreddit better! Thank you - without your help, those changes wouldn't be possible \o/

    If any questions would arise from this announcement, or you'd have some feedback regarding the changes, please leave a comment below - we'll try to reply to every query we can.

    submitted by /u/DevilXD
    [link] [comments]

    Evie - Champion of the Week (17th Nov 2019)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:00 AM PST

    No need to thank me all at once!

    Welcome to /r/Paladins' Champion of the Week, a place to celebrate the Champions of the Realm. Share your fan-art, gameplay videos, and memes. Tell your funniest and most exciting stories! Talk about the best card loadouts and strategies, and tell us why you love the Champion of the Week! This week, we're celebrating

    Flair Evie

    The Winter Witch

    Affiliation: Flair Resistance


    After cleverly tricking and imprisoning a greater frost elemental in a magical gemstone, Evie went from apprentice sorceress to Winter Witch seemingly overnight. Though no longer welcome in her home village, which she left to an uncertain fate, she found her talents to be in high demand in the Resistance's conflict with the Magistrate. Though powerful, her true motivations are as mysterious as the exact details of her background, causing her allies to question her loyalty as well as how long she can really hope to keep the vengeful elemental contained.

    Class: Flair Flank

    Health: 1800


    Name Skill Type Description Cooldown
    Ice Staff Area Damage Fire a frozen blast every 1s that explodes to deal damage in an area. Deals 850 damage, has a maximum Ammo count of 6, and has a range of 300 units. The explosion is fully effective up to 3 units and will hit enemies up to 10 units away. -
    Ice Block Untargettable Become Immune for 3s. During Ice Block, you are unable to move or attack. Can be refired to cancel. 14s
    Blink Mobility Teleport forward a short distance. Has a range of 57.5 units. 4s
    Soar Mobility Hop on your staff and take flight for 2s. Can be refired to cancel. 10s
    Ice Storm Area Damage / Crowd Control / Debuff Summon a massive Ice Storm that deals 40 damage every 0.25s, lasts 6s, and has a radius of 25 units. Enemies caught have their Movement Speed reduced by 60% and are Crippled. -

    Talents and Cards:

    Name Ability Description Cooldown
    [Default] Over the Moon Soar Increase the damage you deal with your weapon shots by 20% for 3s after Soar ends. -
    [Level 2] Snow Globe Ice Storm Ice Storm has its damage increased by 100% and its Ultimate charge decreased by 50%, but its duration is reduced to 3s. -
    [Level 8] Wormhole Blink Blink can be refired within 4s of its use to return to the initial casting location. -
    Chilled Blink Increase your Reload Speed by {8/8}% for 4s after using Blink. -
    Flicker Blink Heal for {75/75} after using Blink. -
    Riftwalk Blink Increase your Movement Speed by {8/8}% for 2s after using Blink. -
    Teleport Blink Increase the distance traveled by Blink by {6/6}%. -
    Biting Cold Ice Block Generate {1/1} Ammo after activating Ice Block. -
    Cold-Blooded Ice Block Reduce the Cooldown of Ice Block by {1/1}s. -
    Frigid Field Ice Block Heal for {50/50} every 1s while Ice Block is active. -
    Howling Gale Ice Block Increase your Movement Speed by {10/10}% for 4s after Ice Block ends. -
    Cantrip Soar Generate {1/1} Ammo after activating Soar. -
    Great Distance Soar Increase the duration of Soar by {0.5/0.5}s. -
    Killing Frost Soar Reduce the Cooldown of Soar by {20/20}% after getting a Killing Blow. -
    Swift Witch Soar Increase your Movement Speed during Soar by {5/5}%. -
    Avalanche Armour Increase your Movement Speed by {8/8}% for 5s after getting a Killing Blow. -
    Impact Weapon Reduce your active Cooldowns by {10/10}% after getting a Killing Blow. -
    Keep Moving Armor Increase your Movement Speed by {5/5}% while Out of Combat. -
    Cold Acclimation Weapon Your weapon deals {60/10}% less Self-Damage and no longer applies a Knockback to you. -

    You can find an archive of every Champion of the Week here.

    Join us next week when we talk about Flair Fernando!

    submitted by /u/Thane_Mantis
    [link] [comments]

    New Frog isle Rework

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:26 PM PST

    Congratulations, you played yourself.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:24 PM PST

    Me healing

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:36 PM PST

    I'm inlove with this shot.(Frozen Guard - Rework)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:46 PM PST

    Raum - "Minotaur" (Skin Concept)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:49 AM PST

    (WIP) Im back, and im trying out a new art style

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:29 AM PST

    CC Immunity was never the problem

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:01 AM PST

    Paladins Cupcakes !

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:08 PM PST

    Long Haired Cassie

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:52 AM PST

    inara, but with different hairstyles

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:59 AM PST

    Raum with Juggernaut's build be like

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:00 PM PST

    Nothing to see here

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:47 AM PST

    Literally the reason frontliners and healers are my most played roles

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:25 AM PST

    Glorious Grohk (idk the original post sorry)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:15 AM PST

    Over used meme

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:32 AM PST


    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:08 PM PST

    Once more, he dies!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:54 PM PST

    Maeve, finally done <3

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:49 PM PST

    Yeetus fetus deletus Paladinus

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:18 AM PST

    the Paladins art team panel reveals a lot of cool stuff including updating the maps and new horse riding animation clean up there's so much cool stuff I'm excited for

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:46 PM PST

    Another IO game - 255K healing in 20 mins with ONE tank.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:38 PM PST

    I tried to warn u guys.... but only 33 people listened..... Lord help us all

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:35 AM PST


    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:27 PM PST

    A Reminder

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:25 PM PST

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