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    Tuesday, February 25, 2020

    Paladins Paladinouken

    Paladins Paladinouken


    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:43 PM PST

    Yes! I feel great!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:37 AM PST

    MIDNIGHT concept art— Erin, Maeve’s ‘scamper’ card. (Also part of the crew)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:54 PM PST

    I drew a Legend of Zelda Io skin.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:18 PM PST


    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:31 PM PST

    Try and Run! - Kinessa Fanart

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Maeve art (reference was used)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:42 AM PST

    Maeve Wants To Make You Smile

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Splash Arts in SFM with my style: Legionnaire Viktor

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Strix's existence triggers every flank

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:50 PM PST

    "rip and tear until it is done!"

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:55 PM PST

    I tried running

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Moji the Rabbit Villager

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Jenos in High Ranked - A Full Strategy and Guide

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:34 PM PST

    Hello Guru'ists, Your friendly neighborhood Zombie checking in again with another guide for a popular champion.

    Jenos finds his way onto ban lists across the board at various levels of play in ranked, but as I grind and grind away at the ranked ladder solo, getting just a few wins away from masters only to go on massive loss streaks (and nearly get pushed out of diamond all together!), I notice alot of players either do not like jenos for heals, or dont understand how he is better than most other healers.

    Jenos is easy to play, and I am going to explain how to play him, how to play WITH HIM as your healer, as well as WHY jenos is so good on most teams and most maps.

    First off, when you have jenos for healing, if you have any sense about you, your not going to play the same way you would if you had say a grover or a furia etc, for healing. That is because Jenos heals are over time. A long lasting rejuvination buff that also grants you 15% more dmg on all attacks. He cannot burst heal you back to full like some champions can, which means you must play a more passive game, ESPECIALLY if your a tank. Single player mistakes are amplified when you have a jenos on your team, cuz the guy cant burst you to full health if you just missed a charge or a big ult and you are greatly out of position being focused down. Jenos Team Play is a more passive style of play, where you draw the fight out over time, almost like a counter striker in boxing or mma. The core of your team (Tanks and Healers) wants to wait for the enemy to make a mistake and capitalize on that, rather than go balls to the wall and take all the damage straight to the face.

    Jenos teams are also damage based, which means, as long as the tanks are playing more passively, your flank and damage can make big plays. The Flank and Damage carries on a jenos team, that is the whole purpose of going jenos. So if your damage and flank are mediocre at best, Jenos may not be your best option. Jenos should pocket the flank and/or damage to give those roles an added edge of healing and damage boons. But this leaves our tanks without a lot of support, which is why they MUST PLAY PASSIVELY, while your flank and damage are now allowed to be more aggressive and confident than they would with a different healer.

    I admit, being a tank on a Jenos team kind of sucks because we cant be as aggressive, but its a trade off that allows our dps players to be harder carries.

    Now, a lot of people realize that jenos is a good support, even though it seems like he doesnt heal as much as other healers, but they dont know why. I am going to take a look at that right now. As the fight goes on, both teams get cauterize level 3. That leaves both teams not receiving much healing at all from thier healers. But the team with Jenos still has that +15% damage buff. So now, the team with jenos is much better off than they were at Round 1 when neither team had much cauterize. At round 1, we were being out healed, and that was putting us at a disadvantage, but later in the match, we have cauterize level 3, so now the heals arent as much of an issue, but Jenos is still granting a +15% damage buff and spreading it throughout his team, especially as he now also has chronos level 3, pretty much allowing him to give 3-4 people this damage buff and rejuvination. Our whole team is regenerating HP while dealing more damage, while thier teams massive burst healing is no longer as much at play. This is why as the game goes on, Jenos teams get tougher.


    RETROGRADE - Level 5

    Pretty straight forward, lowers the cooldown on Astral Mark, allowing you to eventually be able to spam it on a majority of the team at all times.

    LIGHTYEARS - Level 2

    Increases the distance in which you can cast Astral Mark on an ally, helps when your team in spread out or if your trying to reach a flank, remember, you can cast these through walls, obstacles do not hinder Jenos.

    ASTRAL CYCLE - Level 3

    Increases the Duration of your mark by alittle over an extra second. Allowing your damage boost and healing to continue longer than normal.

    HEAVENLY PULL - Level 2

    Increases range on void grip by 20%. Void grip is crucial when defending your team vs enemy flanks, as well as trapping enemy players that are out 1) out of position or 2) low on health and attempting to get away

    RELATIVITY - Level 3

    Heals you when you heal others. Crucial to the build. Allows Jenos to be more tanky and become that undying Jenos that everyone hates. Having this at level pretty much puts an Astral Mark on yourself when you put in on an ally, and this STACKS. This is why Jenos is so hard to kill, at most times, he has 3 Astral Marks on HIMSELF that stack.


    You should always no matter the composition go Luminary for its damage buffs for the team. There are no exceptions. I was running Luminary back in beta before it was the cool thing to do. People hated it back then, but love it now, and the card itself has never changed. Funny eh?


    Now, I could just give you an overly simplified summary of how to play Jenos, as he is that simple, but i will explain to you WHY this over simplified summary works, and how to impliment it as well.

    The Over Simplified Summary -

    To play Jenos, you literally go to the team fight, stare at a wall, and cast Astral Mark on your teammates.

    Thats it! Thats Jenos in a Nutshell. You can cast Astral Mark through walls at a long distance, so Maps like ICE MINE, and TIMBER MILL, really favor Jenos. He can sit back in safety, hiding behind an obstacle near the point, and cast heals.

    But it goes a little deeper than that. First off, and MOST important, You want to be SPREADING your heals. If your just sitting back and casting your Astral Mark on the same target over and over, like your tanks, then your not really using Jenos right. Not at all. You want to be spreading your heals to everyone. Astral Mark should ALWAYS be on cooldown. That means you need to be casting it on allies that arent even taking damage yet. Just so that when they start taking damage, they already have your mark on them, and also because when you spread your heals your team gets the most benefit. If you just keep renewing the Rejuvination on the same target over and over, it doesnt get stronger, it stays the same, so hes not really getting much of a benefit from it anyway, except that small 300 hp burst at the front end. No, you need to be putting marks on your damage and flank even if they arent taking damage yet, because soon they will be, and because its giving them a damage buff. ALWAYS ALWAYS be mindful of your damage buff. Your heal isnt just a heal, its a powerful buff that makes flank and damage champions very powerful, and helps them win 1v1's and get picks. If you know you have a carry dpser on your team, one who is greatly effecting the match, he needs to be your pocket. You need to find that champion, and pocket him, he, at priority, should always have a mark on him. Assist him in carrying you to that win.

    Second, and this pretty much ties in with the 1st. You need to be putting heals on allies that are already at full health. This keeps your Mark on cooldown, which is what you want, it lasts 10 full seconds. At some point that player will be taking damage, but luckily he will already have a mark on him. Try to have, especially when you start getting chronos higher, 3 Marks up on your team at all times.

    Third, POCKET. At the start of each team fight, I put a mark on my flank or dmg right before I know hes about to make his move. He will probably be the first or second person I put a mark on regardless of whats going on when we reach the point. He needs that pocket, it can change the game.

    And Lastly, PRIORITIZE. For me, I want to have a mark on my main tank, and one of my dps, at all times. Other than those two, I want to be healing whoever needs it the most. Now when a team fight starts to get hairy, and everyone is taking a lot of damage, i need to prioritize who needs the healing more. Does that champion have his own heal? Or shield that you know he can use at any moment? If so maybe hes not the best target, maybe your main tank needs it more, or that flank in the back that already got a kill but is at 10% HP. Its important to sit back and READ the TEAM FIGHT when your playing jenos. Fuck shooting that little peeshooter. To be honest, i rarely ever use Jenos auto attack unless we are blowing through the enemy. Instead, I use my F to fly around, or just to stand there, it gives you 3rd person vision, which means you can see whats going on around you at all times.

    I tell you as a Jenos player, you need to be using your 'F' almost at all times. Yes you cant shoot when your using the floating ability, but you can still cast void grip and astral mark and your ultimate, which is all your really needed for anyway. Dont worry about shooting the peeshooter, floating around in 3rd person vision is more important. You can call out flanks, you can see more of the battle field, you can diagnose problems and react to them with Astral Marks, Void Grips, and your Ultimate.

    Also food for thought. The Fall Guy the way Jenos is designed, you can pretty much have a heal up on your entire team except one right? So you alternate your heals and keep everyone up as best you can, keeping one player without a Mark at most times, sometimes two players. Well when fights are starting to get extremely hairy, and everyones low on health and its a close fight. I use a technique I call the fall guy. Which means one of your players your going to have to let die to keep the other ones alive. One player you might not be able to put a mark on in time and you need to keep a different player up instead. Your stuck with that choice between which players is downed and which player continues. When this happens, the answer should always be your Fall Guy. The Fall Guy in my humble opinion, is the OFF TANK. You see your main tank cant die, you know that, or you lose all point presence. And neither of your DPS can die either, because whenever that happens, a majority of the time the enemy will win that team fight. The Fall Guy is your own opinion of who effects the team fight the LEAST out of your remaining players. And in most cases I feel like the offtank is the one who you can allow to take the fall instead of any of the other roles.

    Your Ultimate

    The last part of this guide will be the Ultimate. This little tool can be used for a variety of ways and most people already know how to use it. I just want to add that in my opinion one of the best way to use this ultimate is vs a team with a sniper. When the enemy has a strix or kinessa, jenos can snipe him out of existence and get a for sure pick at the start of every round. Save your ultimate, and when you see the enemy strix or kinessa taking shots with thier scope, aim your ult at them and blast them. 95% of the time they CANNOT get out of the way in time. And this is a huge pick. The same goes for Imani on small maps. When you hear her voice line and see the dragon appear out of thin air, take a guess as to where that Imani is standing, and ult in that direction (not at the dragon but at where it came from) and hope you hit her. If you do snipe her, you just saved your entire team, and its easier than it sounds.

    Thanks guys wow that was longer than I expected.

    IF you like this guide please go HERE and give it a thumbs up on paladins.guru

    submitted by /u/zzZ0mbi3
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    “Gotta get back to ma roots man” the Gro-street Grover

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    "Nya" - Maeve Wink, by TricoMoon

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:01 PM PST

    "Oh no, he's going hwinghwinghwing again!"

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:41 PM PST


    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:13 PM PST

    I take care on it

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:34 PM PST


    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:08 PM PST

    Funny story from my dad's first day playing Paladins

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:00 PM PST

    Yesterday my dad did something funny on Paladins so I figured I would share.

    Background: Me and my dad have been playing Overwatch for at least two years now (I have the 2018 Pacific Genji skin to prove it). Recently, we've become more serious about competitive, trying to get him out of silver, but our experience has been negative as recently, on console at least, smurfs have been in almost every game in almost every game mode. Despite him being over level 600, and me being over 590, we still get completely destroyed by them. So, figuring we needed a break from the smurfs, I installed Paladins on our Xboxes (I didn't know about crossplay yet, I now play with him on console and me on PC) and we started playing.

    At first, playing as Viktor, he isn't enjoying it so much. He's mostly running in and getting destroyed by the array of seemingly OP abilities in Paladins. I suggest trying some other champions, but he says he wants to at least get a grasp on Viktor, being a more basic character, to learn the game a bit.

    So of course, the next match, Viktor is taken by someone else. So, not having a clue who anyone even is yet, he chooses a random character- Jenos.

    So, we play and we not only win, but he gets best support. He talks about not minding playing as long as he's Jenos.

    Aaaand Jenos is taken, we get destroyed, onto the next match.

    He gets Jenos. The first round goes well. We cap the point and after a bit of resistance we get all the way to the point. The next round, however, does not go as well. The enemy team caps the point and ends up getting to the point. Now here's the funny part.

    The only game like this we've played has been Overwatch. If you play Overwatch, you'll know that your Ultimate, unlike in Paladins, is not retained between rounds. So, it is customary to just use it to use it once the round is done.

    So, dad, as Jenos, does this, just shooting it at the payload as the slow-mo starts.

    And then I notice the kill feed- he got his first triple kill ult.

    We went on to win the match, but I just think it's so funny how he basically accidentally got a triple kill on his first day of playing.

    submitted by /u/DenTheRedditBoi7
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    I was farming in training and i accidentally rushed to this platform outside the enemy spawn, probably its not that unknown but it surprised me.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:42 PM PST

    Oh boy here I go killing again

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:21 AM PST

    Do you as Fernando buy caut? I do.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:54 AM PST

    It be like that sometimes

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:41 AM PST

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