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    Sunday, July 26, 2020

    Paladins Ash - Champion of the Week (26th July 2020)

    Paladins Ash - Champion of the Week (26th July 2020)

    Ash - Champion of the Week (26th July 2020)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Go to hell, tell them Ash sent you.

    Welcome to /r/Paladins' Champion of the Week, a place to celebrate the Champions of the Realm. Share your fan-art, gameplay videos, and memes. Tell your funniest and most exciting stories! Talk about the best card loadouts and strategies, and tell us why you love the Champion of the Week! This week, we're celebrating

    Flair Ash

    The War Machine

    Affiliation: Flair Magistrate


    Ash made a name for herself in the Magistrate army by volunteering for front-line duty using experimental heavy armor and siege weaponry. Lacking finesse or subtlety, she more than makes up for it with brutal tactics and overkill. The War Machine, as she is called by her allies and enemies alike, earns the title every time the dust settles and she is all that remains on the scorched battlefield. When the Resistance emerged and brought the war to Crosswind Hold, Ash led the charge against them with fury and determination.

    Class: Flair Front Line

    Health: 4500


    Name Skill Type Description Cooldown
    Burst Cannon Area Damage Fire a burst of shrapnel every 0.9s that explodes, dealing up to 400 damage. This explosion is fully effective up to 7 units and will hit enemies up to 17 units away. Has a maximum Ammo count of 8 and a range of 80 units. -
    Kinetic Burst Area Damage / Crowd Control Superheat your next Burst Cannon shot. Your next shot will instantly explode in a frontal cone, dealing 450 damage and applying a Knockback to enemies hit. Fully effective up to 40 units. 6s
    Siege Shield Shield Create a Siege Shield that advances forward along the ground. This Shield has 4500 Health and lasts 6s or until destroyed. Affected by Wrecker. 10s
    Shoulder Bash Direct Damage / Crowd Control Lower your shoulder and charge forward, dealing 800 damage and applying a strong Knockback. This ability has a range of 120 units. 14s
    Assert Dominance Area Damage / Crowd Control / Damage Immunity Leap upward and forward through the air and slam your Banner into the ground, dealing 600 damage and Stunning enemies for 2s in an 30-unit radius on impact. This impact creates a Damage-Immune zone for yourself that lasts 8s. You must remain within the zone to receive its benefits. -

    Talents and Cards:

    Name Ability Description Cooldown
    [Default] Battering Ram Shoulder Bash Reduce your damage taken by 75% while using Shoulder Bash. -
    [Level 2] Slug Shot Weapon Your weapon shots travel 50% faster and 100% farther, but no longer explode. -
    [Level 8] Fortress Breaker Siege Shield Increase Siege Shield's maximum Health by 2000 and its size by 50%, but reduce its Movement Speed by 80%. -
    Brawl Kinetic Burst Heal for {120/120} over 2s for each enemy hit by Kinetic Burst. -
    Castle-Forged Kinetic Burst Reduce the Cooldown of Kinetic Burst by {0.6/0.6}s. -
    Percussion Kinetic Burst Increase the Knockback distance of Kinetic Burst by {8/8}%. -
    Siege Engine Kinetic Burst Reduce the Cooldown of Siege Shield by {1/1}s for each enemy hit with Kinetic Burst. -
    Furious Charge Shoulder Bash Increase the Knockback distance of Shoulder Bash by {8/8}%. -
    Gate-Crasher Shoulder Bash Reduce the Cooldown of Shoulder Bash by {0.8/0.8}s. -
    Thrive Shoulder Bash Heal for {200/200} after hitting an enemy with Shoulder Bash. -
    Vanguard Shoulder Bash Reduce your damage taken by {8/8}% for 2s after using Shoulder Bash. -
    Battlement Siege Shield Increase the duration of Siege Shield by {0.6/0.6}s. -
    Ramparts Siege Shield Reduce the Cooldown of Siege Shield by {0.5/0.5}s. -
    Trebuchet Siege Shield Generate {2/2} Ammo after activating Siege Shield. -
    Watchtower Siege Shield Increase the Health of Siege Shield by {200/200}. -
    Fervor Armor/Weapon Increase your maximum Ammo by {1/1}. -
    Heavy Metal Armor/Weapon Increase your maximum Health by {150/150}. -
    Indomitable Armor/Weapon Gain {10/10}% Lifesteal. -
    War Machine Armor/Weapon Reduce your active Cooldowns by {10/10}% after getting an Elimination. -

    You can find an archive of every Champion of the Week here.

    Join us next week when we talk about Flair Atlas!

    submitted by /u/Thane_Mantis
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    Where is Grover?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Dog goes meow

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    I don’t need sleep i need answers

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    The ultimate life form

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Furia in Hotpants

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Guys I'm cool I swear

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Sometimes I wondering... What our support doing behind of us

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Pressing Q is hard

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    I've determined there are two types of Pip mains. No inbetweens.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    Traditional Drawing: Dragonborn Moji

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    Little boy talus (meme)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    The perfect counter

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I miss Paladins Battleground

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    [GUIDE] How to extract Models and Full Res Textures from Paladins | 2020

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I've been into into Rendering and Modelling for a few days and I was trying to extract models and textures from Paladins without success, no guides was updated enough so I decided to create one myself, hopefully I'll help someone making their own renders and awesome fanarts!

    I'll try to help with images and videos as far as I can, this is an easy/medium level guide, nothing complicated but you need to know some basics terms here and there.

    Software requirements:

    1. Paladins game files (duh)
    2. Umodel (to extract models)
    3. Raw TFC Export (to extract full resolution textures, an account on Xentax forum is required, I don't really know if I can post the .zip directly here)
    4. Blender (but Maya works too, you'll need Blender to convert the models from PSK to FBX, useful to open the models in ZBrush too)
    5. PSK and PSA import/export plugin for Blender (models and animation plugin to import PSK and PSA in Blender)
    6. Quickviewer (viewer for .dds texture files)

    Extracting Models

    Let's extract the umodel zip, open umodel.exe and select the Paladins game folder path (you need to travel to Paladins gamefolder \ ChaosGame \ CookedPCConsole, that's where models and animations are stored, Ovverride Game Detection and select Unreal Engine 3 with Smite (same engine, there's no profile for Paladins) and click OK (correct setting screenshot).

    Just wait for it to load and then select All Packages, you're now seeing all models stored in Paladins, you'll recognize some name, in this guide I'll use IO as example, search for her in the search bar and select only the files related to her, click on Export and select the path where to save the exported models and animations.

    Actually Umodel exports textures too, but recently Hirez changed the compression method and umodel creators decided not to update it, they probably never will, that's why we use an external program (TFC Raw Exporter), the only textures extracted from umodels are 64x64 (completely useless). You can find these textures in IO_ASSETS_SF.

    I extracted my models and animations in my Download folder, IO_ASSETS_SF is the in-game model location, in this guide I'll use Blender so you'll need to install the PSK/PSA plugin I linked on Software Requirements, plenty of guides on how to install third-party plugins in Blender. If you want/need to use Maya and Zbrush, just import them first in Blender, select the imported model and export it in .FBX.

    Let's open Blender and import the .psk model from File > Import, I'll select the default IO model located in IO_ASSETS_SF\SkeletalMesh3\SKL_PC_Io_Skin00A.psk, IO will now appear on screen with her rig marked (screenshot) (you can hide it clicking on the eye icon on top-right near the model infos), IO is composed by two materials (head/tail and body/eyes), so we'll need to find the related color textures for both of them.

    Extracting Textures

    We now have our model imported in Blender, let's find our textures, navigate to the Paladins game folder and go into ChaosGame\ CookedPCConsole, use File Explorer search bar and write .tfc, you are now seeing only the texture files in the .tfc format, there are plenty of them as you can see, normals, emissions, speculars, colors, too many and without a single indication on what's inside them, in this guide I'll just extract the colors textures (or diffuse, whatever) located in CharTexturesHighRes3PATCH.tfc. In this file (after looking for a while) we can find some colors for various skins and characters, including IO, but other Characters or Skins can be found in the other files (Normal Textures are located in CharNormalsHighRes3PATCH.tfc).

    To extract them I suggest you to place the CharTexturesHighRes3PATCH.tfc in a separated folder ( I called mine Textures), inside it we need to place the TFC Raw Exporter Files, right click on an empty space of the folder and open the PowerShell Prompt, call the Paladins executable to extract the CharTexturesHighRes3PATCH.tfc using this command:

    .\paladins_tfc.exe .\CharTexturesHighRes3PATCH.tfc

    The extraction will start, tons of .dds files will now appear in the folder, without a single name, indication or whatever info (sigh), eventually the extraction will end and you'll see hundreds of .dds file that you can manually inspect using QuickViewer (software noted in Software Requirements, nope, Photoshop doesn't open them). We're only interested in this guide for IO colors textures located in CharTexturesHighRes3PATCH_281.dds (body/eyes) and CharTexturesHighRes3PATCH_278.dds (head/tail), just move these two files somewhere else (In this tutorial I'll put them in Downloads).

    Let's go back to Blender, select IO, go to Material Properties and select her first Material (MIC_PC_Io_ID1_Skin00A), this represents head/tail, click on Use Nodes and on the little circle near Base Color, select Image Texture and click on CharTexturesHighRes3PATCH_278.dds. In order to be able to see textures in Blender you need to enable ViewPort Shading Material Preview or Rendered (to see lightning effects too), you can easily enable them selecting the little circles located top right of the 3D Viewport Editor.

    You're now seeing IO head/hairs/tails colored

    Let's do the exact same thing selecting the second material (body/eyes), but now we'll select CharTexturesHighRes3PATCH_281.dds, that's it, we now have IO with her default colors ready to render, you should actually search for Normals, Emissions and Speculars too if you want a perfect result, instead of selecting Base Color you'll select Emissions/Speculars and then Image Texture. If you want smooth edges right click on the model and select Shade Smooth.

    Render Example with Shade Smooth enabled

    Extra: Character Animations (Emotes)

    You can actually see (and edit) animations using Blender, these are located in IO_ASSETS_SF\ AnimSet. Go back to Blender, File > Import PSA and navigate to the AnimSet folder, you can select various animations, let's try the Yawn emote (before importing the PSA you'll need to have the rig visible and selected), click play on the animation toolbar (middle-down) and here's the result.


    Hopefully this guide will help eliminating the confusion around these topics for Paladins, if you have questions/doubts/suggestions let's discuss in the comment section, have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/TheKronorium98
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    This meme is still relevant, right?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Fernando’s lost some weight, I’m a little worried

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    "Your waifu is trash"- Star sister Io

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    what are some funny nicknames you've given to champions?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    my friend calls ruckus baby yoda and when i started out i couldn't remember tiberius' name so i kept calling him tony as in tony the tiger, i still do from time to time. do you guys have any funny nicknames to share?

    submitted by /u/satansenlargedanus
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    Remember when Torvald didn't have to cower behind teammates?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    How will you answer this question with Paladins?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    Soul Eater Jenos - Animated Wallpaper #9

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    AndrewChicken's fantastic Torvald breakdown to make him the phenomenal Frontline he once was.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    Did i do good ad pip or should i stop?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    Io.. my first level 100 champion! If you have questions about her, you need only ask :)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Please give actual answers not jokes lol

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    What are some champions that you think need buffs and some that need nerfs and like what to change in curious on what a lot of you think

    submitted by /u/Neon_Reptar
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