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    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Paladins Rock Mum and her adopted Rabbit on a day out

    Paladins Rock Mum and her adopted Rabbit on a day out

    Rock Mum and her adopted Rabbit on a day out

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:46 AM PDT


    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    BUCK )))

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Can Paladins create a night and day version for all the maps to make it more interesting?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    the defiant fist talent should show a percentage on top of the fist button in the UI showing what is ur current stack at and if its decreasing or increasing ? for andro

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    Such a miss on Gentleman Jenos and Top Play....

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    inkedtober day 21 chibi lian lands on bob

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    Paladins Weapons: Guns vs Magic

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    When you accidentally use an ability while mounted.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:16 PM PDT


    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    POV: You are the man out of time

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Fastest point lose in the west

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    DROGITOZ. Enjoy! #62. (This was suggested by u/Iunderstandbuuut AND MANY. MANY PEOPLE!)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Every Character's Lore Summarized (more info in comments)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Well, ok then...

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    Am I the only one who thinks that changing in-game portrait of a character depending on a character's skin would be extremely neat?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Just the way they did it with Pip Remix skin. I mean, for example, I have Remix skin for Jenos, and it looks good, but when I play with this skin, I want to feel that it's on me. But default in-game portrait (next to my HP) just spoils that feeling, honestly speaking. And I think such a small thing can make a huge difference in game perception. I don't think developers have to put a lot of effort in this, so why wouldn't they make this then? :)

    submitted by /u/Sysell
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    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    True story

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:18 AM PDT


    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:26 PM PDT


    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    Netflix ‘The Haunting of Bly Manor’ is it just me or is that Imani!!!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    Terminus Smash

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I'm bored and want to debate Paladins which champion currently has a non meta talent that is overlooked and which has a non meta talent that is actually garbage

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    When I'm able to play again I plan to experiment a bit more with champion loadouts and stuff so fill me in on some underappreciated talents and which ones to stay away from

    For me Underappreciated: Inara - Tremors. Her knock up ability is awesome combined with being able to put up two walls. when you need to get out of a situation in a map like Baazar or you need to just bypass the zoning enemy team. The only issue is sometimes I feel like it doesn't launch you up when it should. This is probably one of the most underappreciated talents imo

    Is actually garbage: Fernando - Formidable. I think at some point this might have been good but with the current Aegis and Fireball talents this talent just feels weak. The talent lets you heal up when low health for 55% of your max health. Big issue is its a talent with a 45 second internal cool down. Imagine having a talent that you will only utilize about 10-12 times during a 10 minute match. To top it off he has a Loadout card that does the same thing as the talent. Last Stand heals you while your shield is up. So with Aegis you can get shield and have healing just like Formidable gives you. The other issue is Aegis can be an annoying defensive talent to go against so give Fernando players reasons to play something other than Aegis.

    We have talents that buff his fireball and shield maybe come up with a talent that will change his playstyle more. We have aggro and defensive Fernando, we need something else. I'd suggest healer Nando but I feel so many people are getting healing talents these days. Idk maybe make the charge knockback card a talent idk

    Disclaimer: this isn't about negativity or anything I just want to debate some Paladins talents to broaden my horizon and have some fun. This isn't meant as a "complain about champions I don't like" kind of thing

    submitted by /u/Iunderstandbuuut
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    Feels appropriate for champion of the week

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    A LONG"Rant" About the Talents System

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Ay yo, it's everybody's least-favourite user, comin' atcha with another long-ass pseudo-essay that nobody asked for. This time, the topic is on talents.

    What is the Talent system?

    The talent system is one of the primary features of Paladins that sets it apart from its… competitors. At the beginning of each match, each player is allowed to select 1 talent from 3 to boost their champion. This talent chosen will usually synergize with the player's chosen loadout, and will alter the champion's performance in some way.

    I feel the Talents system is incredible. It allows each champion to fill a variety of different roles and have various methods of filling the roles they already have. Essentially, the talents system allows one to customize their champion and make them more unique to the user, or allowing the user to adapt to various situations (team compositions).

    So why the rant?

    Not all talents are created equal-- not even close. Before I go on, I'd like to establish what (in my opinion) makes a talent great, good, alright, or blasphemous. Note that this doesn't necessarily correspond to the strength of the talent, only the talent's creativity or individuality of its design.

    A GREAT talent should be able to recontextualize a champion's entire kit.

    A great talent doesn't just change a champion's playstyle, it can change their entire ROLE. However, this must be done carefully, in such a way that the champion's base kit and/or available cards remain largely relevant. The cards from the champion's loadout should remain impactful, but perhaps focus can be placed on other cards that may not have been used otherwise, or using already-utilized cards differently.

    Undoubtedly, two of the best examples of this would be Pip's Catalyst and Seris' Soul Collector. Catalyst causes enemies slowed by Pip's weapon shots to take an additional 30% damage from his primary attacks, and Soul Collector gives up to 15 2% boosts to Seris' maximum health and primary attack damage for each Soul Charge she detonates.

    No matter how you feel about these talents, there is a clear difference between a Soul Collector Seris and a stock/Mortal Reach Seris, or a Catalyst Pip and a stock/Mega Potion Pip.

    Namely, that they're dunking on you.

    One of the most notable things about these talents is that, again, the champions' cards remain relevant. I play much more Seris than Pip, so I feel much safer discussing her cards.

    ALL BUT ONE of Seris' cards (Soul Forge) remain relevant when she picks Soul Collector. Even if she chooses to play a more aggressive build, her Restore Soul cards remain relevant. The ability may no longer be the Seris' primary focus, but its cards allow it to potentially remain relevant by providing ammo without reloading, providing healing to her on a short cooldown, or reducing the lengthy 14s base cooldown of Shadow Travel.

    Even the cards not related to Restore Soul gain new roles: Umbral Gait goes from allowing Seris to retreat more quickly from advancing enemies to also allowing her to close the distance between her and her target(s) with a *massive* speed boost of up to 40%. Essence Rip and Wickedness allow her to combat the crippling presence of Cauterize later in the round by improving her only self-sustain when on her own, allowing her to engage more confidently.

    This is, to me, the best talent in the game, just for how much it puts a twist on an otherwise simple champion, all while keeping her coherent. Well done, Evil Moji. Well done indeed.

    A GOOD Talent recontextualizes a single ability.

    A step below changing the entire kit of a champion, some talents change how a single ability is used. Examples of this include Maeve's Rogue's Gambit, Furia's Solar Blessing, Vivian's Booby Traps, (arguably) Makoa's Half Shell, Pip's Combat Medic, and Skye's Grade A Medicinal Kush Smoke and Dagger. These are distinguished from the category below them by actually *changing how the ability is used.\* Simply improving a talent's ability to do what it already does does not count for this.

    Maeve's Rogue's Gambit provides a small 10% damage boost to Pounce, but more notably resets its cooldown whenever she gets an elimination or killing blow. This allows for better dives through more reliable escape, but also improves her mobility greatly, especially if the player is skilled. It allows her to be a bit more loose with the otherwise fairly harsh possibility of having to expend her lengthy 20s cooldown of Nine Lives to escape, and can be the thing that allows great Maeves to play The Floor is Lava for what feels like the whole match.

    Vivian's Booby Traps is simple: Drones go boom. It gives her a form of damage outside of shooting her gun at her opponent, and grants a bit of burst (as though she needed that), but also some fairly-reliable AoE damage. It incentivises using her drones multiple times during a fight rather than relying on a single pre-placed one as the drones will go boom, requiring her to replace them if she wants to continue gaining benefits from any reveal-based cards that may be in her loadout.

    Furia's Solar Blessing is perhaps the strongest example of recontextualizing an ability, simply due to how drastic the change is. It changes her Pyre Strike from being a primarily defensive CC tool to being an extremely powerful healing ability. This comes at the cost of her often casting it when she's not being attacked, potentially leaving her more vulnerable to flanks until it's off cooldown. Likewise, if she uses to fight off a flank, she's now missing the ability to burst-heal her tank back from the brink of death to near-full. A trade-off of self-defence or support. Nice.

    An OK talent simply focuses on an ability, without changing its use very much.

    This primarily means that X talent is now better at doing whatever it already did. Buck already likely uses Heroic Leap to engage; Bounce House just makes it a better tool to do so. Seris was already going to use Restore Soul to heal; Mortal Reach just improved its restorative capabilities. Inara was probably already going to use Warder's Field to impede movement; Treacherous Ground just makes that infinitely easier.

    These talents are… fine. They're often the 'meta' talents for champions (think Mega Potion, Bounce House, Luminary, etc.), and I believe that's because they're the 'safe" options. They improve on what's already there, and make the champion better at doing whatever they already do. It just makes sense that a talent to make a tank even tankier is going to be a common pick, right?

    These talents are, again, fine. They're usually not overly offensive, and the worst thing about them will likely be that the numbers are a bit too high or low. Uncreative, but it's not a crime to have most/every champion have a talent to improve their performance at their base job.

    A BAD/SHIT talent focuses on a champion's primary, without changing its use very much.

    Let me specify: a bad talent likely focuses on the champion's primary attack, adding some bonus effect (usually damage). It doesn't particularly encourage the champion to do much else than what they'd do without the talent.

    You may be able to see where I'm going with this. Drogoz' Fusillade, Vivian's Opportunity in Chaos, Willo's Blastflower, Pyromania in its pre-Vora state, and probably some others all fall under this category. Basically, if you can't tell the champion is using a particular talent as opposed to not using a talent at all by anyway except your health bar drops faster, it's probably a shit talent.

    But wouldn't this include Lex's Death Hastens, Jenos' Binary Star and Androxus' Cursed Revolver?

    Well… kind of. These talents, particularly the former and latter, are notably special cases. While they do focus on the weapons, they change them in such a way that more focus is placed on aim and allowing greater opportunities to headshot. A difference between these three and their stock variants can easily be felt. What distinguishes Death Hastens and Cursed Revolver further is that they serve as sorts of fanservice, restoring their respective champions to older states for players who preferred these slow-firing and more accuracy-dependent forms. Whether you wish to include these talents in this category is up to you, but I'd personally just put them off to the side.

    The running theme here is change and identity. How much change can I feel when I play this talent? What identity does this talent establish for the champion, and possibly even for the player playing them? If the talents and card systems exist to customize a champion to a specific playstyle, the talent shouldn't just make X ability Y% better at doing Z than it was before. There's a very fine line between the criteria on this list for a good talent and a shit one, and one that may not be possible to explain with words.

    So, what the hell was the point of you writing all this?

    Hopefully, to gather feedback and see how correct people feel these criteria are. If positively received, I'd love for more talents to take routes that would lead them to being higher up on this list. If every talent changed the champion's playstyle to the extent of Soul Collector and Catalyst, I feel this game would be infinitely closer to reaching its maximum potential, gaining customizability and potential creativity among playstyles perhaps rivalling the likes of TF2 (if we aren't there already).

    As long as uncreative (damage) talents such as Fusillade, Opportunity in Chaos, and Blastflower exist, though, I feel like the game is not living up to its full potential. At the very least, I would like to see these bland talents reworked.

    submitted by /u/SpiritualBanana1
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