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    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Paladins Paladins Pro Circuit: Details & How to Participate

    Paladins Paladins Pro Circuit: Details & How to Participate

    Paladins Pro Circuit: Details & How to Participate

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Paladins Pro Circuit: Details & How to Participate

    The next season of Paladins esports is right over the horizon, as it's almost time for the Paladins Pro Circuit qualifiers to begin! These qualifiers will be open to any team that is interested in competing during 2020 from the Brazil, Europe, or North American regions.

    If you aren't yet familiar with the PPC and are interested in how our regular esports season is playing out this year, please be sure to read up on all the details here on esports.paladins.com!


    The qualification phase for our inaugural season of the PPC will begin on February 8, 2020 and run until February 29, 2020.

    Everything will be kicking off with an open bracket phase which runs for three weeks, then moving to a closed group stage featuring the top teams of each region from the previous three weeks of competition. Here's a quick look at how that breaks down:

    Three weeks of open bracket play

    Single Elimination format Best-of-three (Bo3) matches until the Semifinals and Grand Finals Best-of-five (Bo5) matches during Semifinals and Grand Finals Final week of closed group stages with the top teams from each region

    Round robin format Best-of-five (Bo5) matches throughout the group stage The top 4 teams (per region) from weeks 1-3 will qualify for the group stage, with the following seeding:

    Group 1: Week 1 Seeds: 1 & 4 Week 2 Seeds: 5 & 8 Week 3 Seeds: 9 & 12 Group 2: Week 1 Seeds: 2 & 3 Week 2 Seeds: 6 & 7 Week 3 Seeds: 10 & 11 Each of these group stages will follow a round robin format with best-of-five (Bo5) matches. The top three teams from each region (Brazil, Europe, and North America) will then qualify for the PPC in their region, for a total of six teams per region.

    Please be aware that our open bracket qualifiers are crossplay, meaning that players on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch can compete. Console players will have the option to use keyboard & mouse if they desire.

    While teams can only participate in the Brazilian, European, or North American brackets, there is no region locking for the PPC qualifiers. This means that any international players who are able to compete on BR, EU, or NA servers will be allowed to participate in the PPC qualifiers. Once you have played in a specific region's qualifiers however, you are locked to that region for the remainder of the qualification process.


    Once the qualification process for the PPC kicks off on February 8th, getting involved is easy for you and your teammates. As long as you have a team of 5 players, you're able to sign up for any week of the PPC open bracket qualifiers. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get involved!


    If you're planning to compete in the PPC 2020 qualifiers, the first thing you'll need to do is join our official Paladins Pro Circuit Discord server. This server will be used for all communications around the qualifiers — including sign-up reminders and talking with your tournament administrators.


    Once you've joined the official Discord server, all you need to do is wait for registration to open. Your tournament administrator will send out reminders to sign up when registration for your region is open — so be sure to pay close attention to Discord on your selected day(s) of play.

    Registration for Brazilian, European, and North American teams will open on Saturdays at 10:00 AM ET. Sign-ups will close for all regions at 11:00 AM ET.

    Below is a detailed schedule of which days you'll be able to participate in the PPC qualifiers.

    DATE TIME REGION February 8, 2020 – Open Bracket 10:00 AM ET NA / EU / Brazil February 15, 2020 – Open Bracket 10:00 AM ET NA / EU / Brazil February 22, 2020 – Open Bracket 10:00 AM ET NA / EU / Brazil February 29, 2020 – Group Stage 10:00 AM ET NA / EU / Brazil

    After the sign-up link has been posted in the official PPC Discord server on the days listed above, your team captain will need to fill it out completely.

    STEP 3: PLAY!

    Once your team captain has completed the check-in form and submitted it, wait for your tournament administrator to use the PPC Discord to communicate with all participating teams and run the qualifiers on your selected day of play. They will post a bracket for your team where matchups can be viewed, then give you a quick rundown on the tournament rules and instructions for playing your scheduled matches.


    Can I compete in the PPC Qualifiers if I'm not a resident of Brazil, Europe, or North America?

    You can! Players are allowed to compete in the Paladins Pro Circuit Qualifiers if you are not a resident of BR, EU, or NA. That said, please be aware that all matches will be played on BR, EU, or NA servers – so if you live outside of those regions, you must be able to play on a BR, EU, or NA server to compete.

    Can I compete in the PPC Qualifiers if I'm on console?

    Yes! The Paladins Pro Circuit Qualifiers are open to all players on all systems — including PC, Xbox One, PS4, and for the first time ever, Nintendo Switch! Console players are also allowed to use keyboard & mouse if desired.

    Do PPL/PML/PCL teams from Season 3 need to compete in the PPC Qualifiers?

    Yes. Because the Paladins Pro Circuit is a new league, former Paladins Premier League, Minor League, and Console League teams will not be grandfathered into the PPC and will need to re-qualify in order to participate.

    Are there any other requirements for participating in the PPC Qualifiers?

    There are no account level or age requirements for participating in the PPC Qualifiers. However, you must be old enough to play the game according to the Paladins Terms of Service (13 years old) and you must have an account which is in good standing. You must also have a team of at least 5 players to participate.

    I missed the check-in time! Can I still play in the PPC Qualifiers?

    If you or your team misses the registration period in Discord, you cannot participate in that week of qualifiers. You are still welcome to sign up for subsequent weeks of the open bracket if you show up on time!

    We're looking forward to seeing what talent rises from the community in our inaugural season of the Paladins Pro Circuit! If you have any questions about the qualification process or how you can get involved, don't hesitate to reach out to us on Twitter @PaladinsPro or using the official PPC Discord server. You can also find a detailed breakdown of the Paladins Pro Circuit unfolds on our website here, which covers the entire 2020 calendar year!

    submitted by /u/Shockable
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    Shitty Reworks Series: Khan

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:11 PM PST


    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:48 AM PST

    im not wrong

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:21 AM PST

    Why are we here just to suffer?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Got em

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Clockwork Torvald

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:36 AM PST

    Paladins X Super Smash Bros. I spent a long time editing this (something I'm new at). I wanted to make an edit that combined my two favorite games.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:20 PM PST


    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:27 PM PST

    Dark Monarch Lian by my brother @Zisor97

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:52 AM PST

    How casual players see Fernando

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Sorry, not sorry..

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:56 AM PST

    But really just flank it is his only playstyle

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:12 PM PST

    Can't have a bad name if you don't even have one :)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Vgs is still missing old lines

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:28 PM PST

    -vvvx -vvvt -vsab -vsdb -vsd1 -vsd2 -vsd3 -vsdg -vsag -vvgn -vvgb -vae -vsae -vvgw And the most important:


    Plz re-add them to get paladins as strong as it was before🤗

    submitted by /u/maeg178
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    Tiberius is great against Raum

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:03 PM PST

    Ying but she's a Magic: the Gathering card?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:56 PM PST

    Tonight, Zhin joins the Hunt

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:32 AM PST

    Inara Skins?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:53 PM PST

    Is it just me that thinks that Inara should get more Skins?

    submitted by /u/tmdss93
    [link] [comments]

    My thoughts on Evil Mojo

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:09 PM PST

    I'm just confused on what the devs think at evil mojo, like for instance what was the hesitation in bringing an option for the old vgs? If majority of your players want that wouldn't you like to make them happy? I get that its back now but its kind of disturbing being surprised when they listen to us because they don't listen most of the time. I just want to know whats the idea behind this like is it that hard to try and keep your player base happy? Who cares if you think it's ok for the game if majority of your players don't like it then there is really no point in doing it and keep in mind i mean this generally. Like of course they shouldn't listen to everything we want but reasonable stuff like this yes. The disconnect with me is why all the hesitation after the backlash of the vgs. Anyway thats just my thoughts i would like to know what you guys think. I just think as devs you should want to please your community as much as possible generally.

    submitted by /u/paladinspolls
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    Why didn't I get the 150k healing challenge? (Tagging as help in case it isn't a bug)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:12 PM PST

    Hi Rez doesnt care at all for console balance, this patch proves it 100%

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:11 PM PST

    After playing many many rankeds (im on Master right now) and casuals i can rightfully say this is the patch that shows us that hi rez doesnt care and most likely will never care about console balance

    this is by far one of the worst patches console has ever had, hi rez said there wouldnt be meta on this patch but actually they just completely fucked up the meta and its overwhelming how many champs you have to ban, currently from my experience the ban priorities are Talus,Vivian,Torvald Zhin,Skye,Term, Viktor, Koga, Tiberius (if he doesnt get nerfed),and Strix and Kinessa on timber mill

    Talus and Vivian are still the same oppresive shit, the lack of ACTUAL nerfs made to them indirectly buffed them, they needed nerfs to their damage, and with this patch they needed nerfs on their Life Rip and Mimble Cards for gods sake why is Talus still able to get 30% dmg reduction, 40% lifesteal and 40% movement speed?


    Why is vivian still able to have the OLD MIMBLE 3 (30% speed) at base?? why "Opportunity in Chaos" Hasnt been nerfed?


    Zhin got into the meta but not as a "viable option" hes cancer in the good hands, hes really strong and has many ways of leaving a fight almost a must have or must ban

    Koga is just complete cancer he can basically have his dashes THAT MAKE HIM INMUNE TO EVERYTHING 100% of the time and even has cards that restore his energy thing if he reaches 50% HP aside his high damage and speed hes one of the most broken champs in the game, his "Healing increased While Firing" card WHICH GOES UP TO 50% INCREASED HEALING is STUPID considering the nerfs to caut.


    Torvald is cancer if hes combined with Zhin or even worse with Koga you MUST pick him if the enemies have koga or zhin

    Viktor is really oppresive with burst mode he didnt recieve any nerfs to his damage or even his life rip cards making him one of the strongest and most oppresive champs in this patch


    Skye is a COMPLETELY BROKEN shes really fucking strong as a healer she can give up to 40% speed boost to herself and her allies with a 3s duration and it resets its timer if you stay or bounce in and out from her smoke screen, oh and yeah it HEALS, a shit TON mind you, i fucking hate seeing her on ranked shes a guaranteed win if the one using her knows what hes doing, dont even think about having a chance against her 1v1.


    Term is really good right now easily the greatest tank this patch he can counter pretty much anything with his psiphon, hes your only hope if your comp doesnt have other broken crap

    Kinessa and Strix on Timber Mill, i Know they have always been a problem on this atrocious of a map, the problem is this map is back in RANKED Rotation making them a You Ban or You lose

    Tiberius we all know him hes broken on console and on pc

    i cant believe how they fucked up the console meta to a point where is impossible to have a balanced match and even if you get a balanced match championwise you still have to deal with the shit matchmaking, casuals have been a nightmare for me, 5 gm stacks all over the place and people that just started playing the game on my teams of casual, and its INSANELY OVERWHELMING how much shit is broken right now at least before you just banned talus and vivian and you got a balanced ranked match, but now is impossible to get an enjoyable match and HI REZ please stop promoting your patches as "end of the meta", because theyre not.

    submitted by /u/SteveResi681
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    Loki has one of the Forbidden Elements

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:41 AM PST

    Glitch or bug?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:54 PM PST

    Long story short while playing onslaught as khan in the map "Magistrate's Archives" Io used her ult on me and caught me after I hit the wall at the end of the world i used khan's ability to dash forward and grab someone(to get back) my character basically floated in the sky and through walls until i got stuck tried multiple times to escape but to no success and lost the game because of that anyone ever experienced that please say it in comments and I play on the switch so I don't have the screenshots as proof started to play paladins after Io's release(and at that time I thought she was bad but then I played as her and I instantly fell in love with her and she is my best character wish I could get her starfall skin😢) and this is NOT some sort of clickbait and this is my first time posting something on any subreddit I've been on so yeah that's pretty much it not mad but shocked and kinda disappointed because of that oh well have a good day or night whenever and wherever your reading this

    submitted by /u/shooterdefender
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    Weird bug which showed the actual size of Zhin's hitbox. Had to play the whole game without Zhin's hands or his sword but worth it.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:34 PM PST

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