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    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    Paladins Relatable

    Paladins Relatable


    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:25 AM PST


    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Step into the light...

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:43 PM PST

    Another daily meme

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Shitty Reworks Series: Furia

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:22 PM PST

    A healer's everyday

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:12 PM PST

    *Crusade music starts playing*

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:22 AM PST

    This what happened to me in rank a teammate did it

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:05 AM PST

    Playing solo ranked be like

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Ying Lounging in Bed

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:09 AM PST


    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:26 PM PST

    Why is Bomb King allowed to be OP?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Usually this community is pretty good at getting outraged at any champion overperforming, whether it's someone pubstomping (Moji) or a problem only at higher ranks and taking a lot of skill (Cassie, Lian). But there's one champion that has been horseshit for ages and no one seems to complain.

    Let's start with a cheap anecdote because many here love them over facts: I know I've lost way more games to master/GM BK players than similarly leveled say Strixes. To the point where I want to ban him rather than many more meta bans if I have any reason to assume enemies might have a decent BK. If I see a lv 70 GM frame Strix I think "ah shit well this is going to be a tough one", if I see a similar BK I think "welp this is lost".

    Let's compare the guy to other blasters: He shits out 1285 DPS, to Drogoz's 1000, Willo's 667, and Dredge's 1215. Willo has blastflower, but even back in OP Willo days, that was max of 1067 DPS. Shooting exactly as often as Dredge but with 50 more dmg per shot. His bombs are fast though, and he can shoulderpeek much better than Dredge can making him impossible to duel indoors. Blast radius is smaller than Willo or Dredge, slightly larger than Drogoz or Evie, however, Royal Subjects changes this around. All blasters bring some utility, Dredge with a slow and area denial, Willo with caut infinity and weaker area denial, Drogoz with shieldmelting and salvo. BK has a huge AoE stun, one of the strongest stuns in the game (if enemies don't dodge, it's a better Inara ult) which doubles as a room-wide zoning ability. His leftclicks can also be used to do dmg over shields, detonated all at once to prevent any chance of heals, or left in a corner as a better broadside, or just detonated late to wait out any defensive abilities outside billow or such. He has his poppy up extremely often thanks to cards and that gives him more mobility than some flankers have, though of course wouldn't call that more mobility than Drogoz has. All blasters are good at tank melting but the others are kept in check by having quite hard counters... most of whom BK counters. Out of all the flanks, maybe only Maeve and Andro have a good matchup against him. And out of all damages he only loses to long range ones and Drogoz... and he doesn't need to peek Lian or Strix to be effective. His "counters" need to pick a fight with him which in many maps means it's a situation where BK counters them instead. And thanks to having the highest DPS from blasters and ignoring many shields he's also better at tank melting than any of the others with possible exception of Dredge, who's just so weak otherwise that he rarely sees use higher up anyways. Don't you think that's bit too much to give one champion? Well, you maybe came up with some excuses why I'm wrong and a silver noob and I'd know how to counter BK if I ever got good.

    Okay, let's look at the facts: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g05xgJnAR0JQXzreEOqG-xV5cd0izx67ZvOTXMZe_Zg

    First off, this says Royal Subjects BK has the highest overall winrate out of all champs all talents at the moment. Okay, that is already alarming, but overall winrates only reflect what wins games overall, meaning half of those games are gold and below. Many champs do much better in lower ranks where people can't aim but their counters are hard, Moji and Zhin come to mind, or in this chart Archi Barik before Fortify, but you'd think BK is kind of a high skill champ that doesn't just dominate when played by noobs against noobs.

    Huh, there's a column looking at only Dia and above, surely diamonds and master can then counter BK. Nah, he's still the highest at 64% winrate. (interestingly followed by Moji and Koga, maybe those are actually OP now too, but that's another can of worms). The recent permaban Zhin, with his best talent Smolder? 61%. Guillotine? 55%. Strix, Lian, Cassie, surely at least those are OP, reddit said so? 56%, 55%, and 52% respectively. Just by having a BK in your team instead of one of these increases your chance of winning hugely. BKs other two talents clock in at 59%, albeit with a small sample size so I wouldn't trust them too far. Still way ahead other blasters, Wyrm and Fusillade sit at 56%.

    Okay, now you might say, most diamonds are bad too. Turns out if we look at them by rank and at masters, not only is BK still ahead (next ones I'd call reliable at over 1k games are Barik and Koga, again interestingly enough, but that's not relevant here), but a Diamond BK has better winrates than Master Drogoz or Lian, and a Platinum BK better than Master Cassie or Khan. Hold on a second that doesn't sound very fair or balanced...

    What does a high winrate mean and not here? A champ won't have an inflated winrate due to luck or a deflated one because all the bad teammates, that might be true for an individuals games (I know I have a bad Atlas winrate in ranked mostly due to bad luck), but when the sample sizes are tens of thousands, that disappears. Even from masters BKs we already have over 2k games. Average masters winrate is 62% at the moment, it gets astronomically unlikely to claim that all the dmgs everyone complains about have deflated ones and BK an inflated one due to bad teams or getting carried or whatever. More realistically, other effects may affect it however. I'd argue a situational champion most likely has an inflated winrate: think of a Drogoz main. He's not going to pick Drogoz in a closed map against Strix and Lian. He's going to pick Drogoz when he gets clear skies. So he only picks the champ when the game is already favouring him. Now, is BK situational? Nah, he looks like the most popular champ in both dia and masters to me. I'd also argue that someone like Cassie or Lian might have a deflated winrate because people hear they are meta and then lock those instead of something they are better at, but that shouldn't be too relevant if BK is again more popular than them too. Finally, one thing that can affect winrate that I have no way of checking against is what we could call overall skill: If literally every BK player is a two years veteran and literally every Viktor player got the game yesterday you'd see a huge winrate favouring BK even if Viktor was secretly much stronger. Now, I don't think that is the case, though I do think BK is a champion more popular with better players and less with new ones. However... so are Lian and Cassie and Drogoz, no? Or Andro or Evie? And they don't climb to these winrates. So that does not explain everything.

    Finally, for some historical data, you might want to take a look at this: https://www.thebettermeta.com/charts/champion_winrate_by_skill/

    Look at patch 2.06, back when Willo was a permaban or a first pick. TBM doesn't have latest 2 patches anyway.

    It's not the easiest graph to understand, essentially it's another way to see past average winrates. Essentially, a steeper graph means higher skill champ, for instance looking at Zhin, Maeve and Evie, Zhin has highest overall winrates and Evie lowest but this is inverted in top 10% players. Top 10% Evies reach a level top 10% Zhins can't dream of (in that patch anyway). Look at Zhin and Skye and you see Zhins graph is above that of Skye everywhere, he performs strictly better than Skye.

    Now, take a look at BK, Willo, and toss in some allegedly op champs like Strix or Lian or Cassie in there for good measure. In the patch where Willo was op, his winrate by skill matches one to one with that of BK. Let that sink in for a second. Since then Willo has gotten heavy nerfs... while BK has got small buffs.They were both strictly better than Cassie that patch (okay, this sadly caps at 5%, you could claim top 1% Cassie's overtook top 1% BKs and that graph doesn't help me prove you wrong or right). Or maybe you say that everyone else are noobs and this game should be balanced only around GMs and pros. To what I can only say owo whats this. No 3.01 version available sadly. Take a look at his PPL winrates too, compare with say Strix.

    If you have a good explanation for why you think BKs statistical overperformance doesn't mean he's overpowered, I'd like to hear it. But honestly I can't think of many reasons everyone isn't screaming for BK nerfs already or better yet few patches ago

    submitted by /u/Hodor_The_Great
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    Anytips for grinding the bp

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:08 AM PST

    Lv 40 in 10 days looking to speed through it

    submitted by /u/Monado_trap
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    Me logging on to paladins to find out third persons gone and I wasted over 600 bucks on skins.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:12 PM PST

    My Console competitive tierlist for this patch (worst meta ever)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Why am I getting less battlepass XP

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    Kinessa's Restore card goes on cooldown regardless of whether or not it actually healed you at all. At least it does in the shooting range.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:16 PM PST

    Didn't know whether or not to flair this as "bug" since for all I know this is very much intentional, but it seemed kind of unfair to me that it does this when it has the potential of having an up to 30s cooldown. Especially considering its current function is arguably worse than it's previous one.

    submitted by /u/GawenStarTeller
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    Can you not..

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:23 PM PST

    Is this a bug? Why does she shrink like that?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:14 PM PST

    How's your day going?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:05 PM PST

    My Demonette Maeve drawing (Repost cause of cropping)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:23 AM PST

    The issue with Solar Blessing in Season 3

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:33 AM PST

    Hello everyone, and hope you are having a good time of the day.

    I would like to adress with this post the issue I personally have with the new Solar Blessing, and some fellow Furia mains who play SB as well have with the nerf on speed of the beam for Solar Blessing.

    On paper, the idea sounds neat, and I am sure the devs wanted to improve it, but with the speed nerf the opposite was achieved, it became worse to play due to several reasons:

    • You can not heal your teammate in time due to beam slowed for 30%, the beam does not reach them in time to heal vs the burst.
    • You are not able to defend yourself with the beam, it is too slow to be used for a stun and flanks with good mobility and cc immunity were able to avoid it on the old beam speed, now you can run circles around it, making SB Furia the easiest support to dive and kill.
    • The slow speed of the beam makes predicting the movement of your allies much harder, and the possibility of someone walking into it and stopping it from advancing is even more increased with the 30% lower speed on Pyre Strike.
    • The new Light Forge card is bugged, it procs when Pyre Strike is available, not giving the bonus to CDR, like other CDR cards.

    The nerf on healing for SB was fine, considering that Caut was nerfed too, but the speed nerf makes SB Furia into a healbot with no utility, in addition to the beam already having the downgrade of being used up for healing, but it was both better for predicting and landing your heals and defending yourself, making her at least somewhat playable with no comms teams. Please, either revert the nerf on the speed for the beam or increase it to be more than 70% of the original speed, so the speed of it is 20% or 10% less, not 30% less.

    submitted by /u/Manlorey
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    Good news for you 7 Pepper fans!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:36 PM PST

    Pepper from the hit game Paladins: Champions of the Realm indeed has no jiggle physics. You are welcome! Have a good day I guess, or don't I don't care.

    submitted by /u/LasturusYes
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    A sad day for point farmers - Mixer has banned 24/7 Mixer points channels

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Because why not screw us over, right?

    submitted by /u/Space_War
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